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Lowe & the Prison tattoo

For the price of some number of ramen soups and cigarettes, Lowe chipped away at the tattoo on my ankle, one slow poke at a time. 

Noodle pen diaries

Now, let me tell you about this pen. You know those flimsy plastic straws you get with a cheap cocktail? Imagine writing with one of those,

10 Years later...

This blog and website was started 10 years ago, in 2014, for a completely different reason than why it still exists. Back in 2014, I had...

Let's Go.

I think there is a time and a place for everything, and if you can let go and let the universe do it's thing, you'll know when things...

12 years of freedom

Last year, I nearly forgot about August 31 until I saw my picture over Paul's shoulder. This year, it was on my mind. I think it's...

How did you do it?

This is one of the most common things I hear about my past: "I don't know how you did it." 12 years have passed since my release from...

And so it goes... again

This blog endeavor was actually born in 2014, and it was going pretty strong. You can read the About section to get the full story of...

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